Sales Target Agreement Sample

Sales Target Agreement Sample: What You Need to Know

As a sales professional, setting targets and goals is crucial to achieving success. Sales target agreements are used to outline the expectations and goals for a sales team or individual sales representative. A sales target agreement is a formal agreement between a salesperson and their supervisor, outlining specific sales targets, goals, and expectations.

To ensure that your sales team is successful, it is important to draft a comprehensive sales target agreement that outlines the metrics, targets, and goals for your team or individual sales representative. Here is a sample outline of a sales target agreement:


The introduction should outline the purpose of the agreement. It should include details on the sales targets, the metrics, and the expectations of the sales team or individual sales representative.

Metrics and Targets

In this section, you should outline the specific metrics, targets, and goals for your sales team or individual sales representative. This can include specific sales targets, revenue targets, or lead generation goals.

Compensation and Incentives

Compensation is one of the most important motivators for salespeople. In this section, you should outline the compensation structure for the sales team or individual sales representative.

The compensation structure can include base salary, commission, bonuses, and incentives. For example, if the salesperson reaches or exceeds the sales target, they may receive a bonus and a commission.

Performance Expectations

In this section, you should outline the expectations for performance for your sales team or individual sales representative. This can include daily and weekly performance targets, attendance expectations, and behaviors that are expected of the sales team or individual sales representative.

Terms and Conditions

In this section, you should outline the terms and conditions of the sales target agreement, including the duration of the agreement, the consequences for non-performance, and the termination clause.


In conclusion, a sales target agreement is an essential tool for ensuring that your sales team meets and exceeds their targets and goals. It is important to draft a comprehensive agreement that outlines the expectations, metrics, targets, compensation, and performance expectations for your sales team or individual sales representative. By doing so, you can ensure that your sales team is motivated and inspired to achieve their goals and succeed in their roles.

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